Tuesday, May 12, 2009

10 most important things in life

I discovered this is interesting topic to talk about and indirectly motivate myself to improves life and setting goals in my entire life. I have many wishes in my life and prays many times as God will always accepting the prayers. I believe in faith and God's will.

Goal is something that we need to manage which is important in our works and our life. It's could be shorten period or long period of goals. No matters what position are we, no matters how much we had been paid; there's a life to face and go.

This morning I explored websites pertaining for this topic and really give me inspired to write; kinda filling my times and do some works brains. First of all, I am not really good in writing.

Life is a journey from where we are to where we want to be. We can choose our own destination. Not only that, we can choose how we are going to get there. Goal setting will help you end up where you want to be.

Here are finding that advices from old man (anonimously) on financial terms to share with:-

1. Be patient
Money must be saved over a long period of time. Don't take high risks for quick returns. Investing is a marathon not a sprint.

2. Take the risks while you are young.
It is ok to take calculated high risks occasionally, but do them when you have time to make it up.

3. Don't gamble
Gambling is for the desperate and the poor. If you must, do small amounts and view it as pure entertainment. You will never make money in the long run gambling. I'm not referring to muslims.

4. Stay healthy.
Good health keeps your mind sharp, your doctor bills low, you lifespan long, and lets you work more to make more money. Healthy people make more money

5. Laugh and Smile
Happy people make more money.

6. Buy a car and keep it for many years or if you need a new one buy one a few years old. A car is one of the biggest waste of money in our lives. People spend too much on new one. Should be buying newer used ones.

7. Everything in moderation.
I learned this from an older customer that used this as his mantra. He said he did everything in moderation from drinking to working. He said it was the key to life

8. Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty
The key to a happy marriage. A good marriage will help you save money or cost you a fortune if it goes bad. People stayed together longer in years past. They were a savings team.

9. Don't spend your money on worthless things.
Don't buy anything at the checkout counter, don't buy collectibles, don't buy all the worthless junk sold around you at the box stores.

10. Move
Stay active. The more you see the more you learn. The more learn the more ideas you have. The more ideas you have, the more chance you come up with something that will earn or save you money.

Lastly, for those are being retrencehed and pay-cutted please be patients and re-pattern your journey of life. May this unimportant article can guide even one word in approaching your life's journey. I end up with thank you for reading.

Resource;- http://www.wallstreetfighter.com

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